Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hour 15 has come and almost gone

Hubby decided to join us in reading briefly before going back to his 24 marathon.

Currently reading: The Originals – Cat Patrick

Pages read: 82
Time spent reading: 75 minutes
Books finished: Size 12 and Ready to Rock – Meg Cabot
Total of pages read: 622
Total of time spent reading: 9.5 hrs
Total of time spend blogging: 3
Snacks: none
Challenges Entered: Book Blending 


  1. Still going strong here! :) Left the listening behind for now, back to reading The Selection. Good read so far. :) I'm not sleepy but I'm used to staying up til 2-3 so I'll be fine til at least 3-4 ~ we'll see if I get sleepy then. :) Keep with it, you can do it!! :)

  2. Ha that picture is perfect of you.
    The hubby didn't read for long. Its funny that he is watching a "24" marathon and we are doing a 24 hr. reading marathon.
